Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Is having 2 babies a good enough excuse? I think so!
We are totally enjoying this being parents thing. I mean don't get me wrong it is not always glamorous or easy but the smiles and giggles really make up for all the other junk. Here is a picture review of the past few months.
The babies are not only on the move crawling but they are climbing and into everything:) They are really fast movers and are sometimes hard to keep up with. Having 2 at this stage is a challenge. Due to them being so active I may not post for another long while. LOL They are learning so much so fast. Samuel and I joke they went from being baby worms just laying around to real live humans moving and feeding themselves. It really is crazy how fast they grow. Keep a look out for more updates and hopefully some videos of the CUTEST babies EVER!!!